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          Macromolecular pharmaceutical R&D platform

          Global Bio-innovative Drug Deployment Strategy

          • 2025

            Novel mRNA technology-based biologic drug treatment options
          • 2030

            Bio-innovative drug combinations
            (mAb和mRNA)Biopharmaceutical Product Launch
          • 2035

            fully integrated multi-therapeutical area, international company eith multi biotechnology platforms
          Development of bio-innovative drugs

          In the next 15 years, bio-innovative drugs motivate the realization of the whole industry chain capability of large molecule biologics from stock solution to formulation.

          Nanjing Headquarter
          Drug development and commercialization based on mRNA technology

          Cheng Du
          Development and manufacturing of monoclonal antibody drugs
          Chicago, USA
          Global Clinical Research Center
          U.S. Marketing
          Talk to our researchers about your project

          Talk to our researchers about your project

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